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The "Wir für morgen" prize 2023

As part of the “Wir für morgen” charity initiative, Union Investment awarded a total of EUR 250,000 in prize money to charitable projects, including “Fußball trifft Kultur”, that break new ground in the areas of social welfare, education and the environment with charisma and exemplary character.

The "Wir für morgen" prize 2023

As part of the “Wir für morgen” charity initiative, Union Investment awarded a total of EUR 250,000 in prize money to charitable projects, including “Fußball trifft Kultur”, that break new ground in the areas of social welfare, education and the environment with charisma and exemplary character.

Nomination for the #BeInclusive Sport Award 2021

As part of the “#BeInclusive Sport Awards”, the EU Commission nominated “Fußball trifft Kultur” as one of three projects/programs that use the power of sport to overcome barriers.
The nomination was endowed with €2,500.

Nomination for the #BeInclusive Sport Award 2021

As part of the “#BeInclusive Sport Awards”, the EU Commission nominated “Fußball trifft Kultur” as one of three projects/programs that use the power of sport to overcome barriers.
The nomination was endowed with €2,500.

UEFA Foundation for Children Award 2019

The UEFA Foundation for Children honors LitCam for its commitment to disadvantaged children with the UEFA Foundation for Children Award 2019.
UEFA member associations can submit proposals for projects to be honored; this year, the DFB opted for “Fußball trifft Kultur”.
The award is associated with a grant of EUR 45,500.

UEFA Foundation for Children Award 2019

The UEFA Foundation for Children honors LitCam for its commitment to disadvantaged children with the UEFA Foundation for Children Award 2019.
UEFA member associations can submit proposals for projects to be honored; this year, the DFB opted for “Football Meets Culture”.
The award is associated with a grant of EUR 45,500.

Further awards

Cologne, February 20, 2019

The Frankfurt-based non-profit organization LitCam was honoured as a 2019 Education Ambassador by the Didacta Association at the Didacta education trade fair in Cologne on 20 February. 2,000 euros have been awarded to the Education Ambassador, which has been presented by the Didacta Association since 2007.
The award is presented to public figures and organizations that have shown exemplary commitment to education, children and young people.

Who we are - Awards

Frankfurt am Main, November 8, 2016

On Friday, November 4, 2016, LitCam’s “Fußball trifft Kultur” project was awarded the 1st main prize in the international “Medien, aber sicher.” competition organized by Teachtoday, an initiative of Deutsche Telekom.
Over the past two school years, LitCam has specifically promoted the digital skills of project participants as part of the nationwide educational project “Fußball trifft Kultur” (FtK) in cooperation with Samsung.
“Medien, aber sicher.” awards the prize to projects that promote media literacy with particular drive and ingenuity.
LitCam received prize money of 1,000 euros for its commitment.

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Frankfurt/Main, 21.09.2015

LitCam gGmbH was awarded the “Wirkt-Siegel” seal of approval for its “Fußball trifft Kultur” project at a joint event in Frankfurt organized by the Dirk Nowitzki Foundation and the analysis company PHINEO.
The independent analysis and consulting firm PHINEO examined 104 non-profit sports and exercise programs from all over Germany for their effectiveness.
This study was supported by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and ING-DiBa AG.
The study examined the conditions under which sport has a positive social impact and what characterizes successful social sports projects.
The result of the analysis: sport does not automatically have a social impact – the offers must be designed and structured accordingly.

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Press release

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Cologne, November 21, 2012

LitCam from Frankfurt was awarded the 2nd prize of the DEICHMANN sponsorship award against youth unemployment in Cologne.
The non-profit organization supports disadvantaged children and young people in integrating into society in an outstanding way.
In 2007, LitCam launched the “Football meets culture” project.
By combining soccer, remedial lessons and cultural events, the children are taught better social and communicative behavior.
Examples of these activities include joint museum visits, project days and soccer tournaments.
In this way, the pupils can compensate for their learning difficulties and language deficits in a fun and playful way.
In addition to teamwork skills, this also strengthens the children’s self-confidence.
“An approach that is entirely in keeping with the spirit of the sponsorship award and therefore convinced the jury,” said Heinrich Deichmann, explaining the decision to award the prize to LitCam.

Who we are - Awards

Berlin, August 17, 2012

LitCam gemeinnützige GmbH is one of 23 organizations nationwide to receive the PHINEO seal of approval in the field of children in poverty and was honored for its exemplary commitment at a ceremony at Deutsche Börse AG in Eschborn on Friday, 17.08.2012.
LitCam knows how to motivate children: The “Football meets culture” project is German lessons, soccer training and a cultural program all in one, according to the press release.
The 2012 themed report “Kinder in Armut – Armut an Kindheit. Report on effective civil society engagement” presents the results on 36 pages.
The report’s sponsoring partners are UNICEF Germany, Deutsche Börse AG, Children for a Better World e. V. and the Stifter für Stifter foundation.
As part of this analysis, 49 charitable organizations throughout Germany were examined in a multi-stage process.

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Who we are - Awards

Frankfurt, October 15, 2011

In the nationwide competition “Ideas for the Republic of Education”, the independent jury of experts chaired by Prof. Dr. mult.
Wassilios E. Fthenakis selected the LitCam project “Football Meets Culture” as one of the 52 award-winning “Educational Ideas” 2011 from among 1,300 applications.
Under the patronage of Federal Minister of Education Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan, exemplary projects that make an outstanding contribution to greater educational equality for children and young people were honored.
The award ceremony took place on October 15 in the “Football meets Culture Arena” at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The competition was organized by the “Germany – Land of Ideas” initiative and is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in cooperation with the Vodafone Foundation Germany.

Who we are - Awards

Berlin, May 09, 2011

The Sports for Education Award was presented for the first time in 2011 under the patronage of the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit.
Soccer Meets Culture” was also presented at a charity gala with prominent guests (including the award-winning footballers Boateng and Metzelder).
The LitCam project made it to the final three.

Who we are - Awards

Düsseldorf, 2010

The Integration Prize of the German Football Association and Mercedes-Benz has been awarded annually since 2007.
The competition is primarily aimed at social commitment that benefits children and young people, especially girls, with a migration background.
In 2010, “Football meets culture” was one of the final six projects.

Who we are - Awards

Nuremberg, October 29, 2010

The German Football Culture Award 2010 in the category “Lernanstoß – der Fußball-Bildungspreis” goes to the reading and integration promotion project “Football meets Culture”.
The project’s nationwide, networking approach is particularly commendable.
A special girls’ soccer project will begin in Frankfurt am Main in the 2010/11 school year.
The German Academy for Football Culture is delighted to be able to support the project with the LERNANSTOSS 2010 soccer education award.

Who we are - Awards

“The project can be expanded or serve as a model for others.
It reaches its target group precisely and understands education comprehensively, as it addresses cognitive, social, motor and emotional aspects.
“Football meets culture” is close to the ball, but at the same time builds bridges to the world beyond soccer.
All these aspects led the jury to reach a clear verdict,” said jury chairman Norbert Niclauss in his laudatory speech.

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Frankfurt, August 03, 2007

The “Germany – Land of Ideas” initiative recognized LitCam as a “Selected Landmark” back in 2007.
In cooperation with Deutsche Bank, ideas and projects that make a sustainable contribution to Germany’s future viability have been honored since 2006.

Who we are - Awards