The Lese-Kicker is awarded to the most appealing children’s and youth book in terms of idea, linguistic implementation and graphic design that best succeeds in inspiring people to read about soccer. Soccer is not only the favorite sport of many children, but can also be used as a playful reading motivation. Reading opens doors – which is why good books are the basis for promoting reading skills. With playful learning material, the excitement of determining the winner and great prizes, the Lese-Kicker offers a varied project for publishers and authors, school classes and teachers every two years.
With the stadium readings, we bring the books on the Lese-Kicker shortlist closer to the children in a very special setting: the authors read in soccer stadiums in front of the participating school classes and thus ensure a special reading experience.
Over 100 school classes across Germany study the nominated children’s and young adult books.
Using playful learning materials, they take a close look at the nominated books and are part of the jury that ultimately selects the winners.